
Apr 26, 2009

Visiting South of France

Amazingly rich and beautiful, are the words I would use to describe South of France, where I am currently for sort of holidays(well, holidays for me and Avni while work for Shishir).

Staying in an apartment in Antibes, overlooking the harbour and snowy mountains in the background is like a dream coming true. I often wonder, did I dream anything like this at all....well, certainly NO. It's all God's grace that I am able to visit all these beautiful places.

In a span of 10 days, I visited Antibes, Juan le Pins (said as Jhua le Pa in French), Mousins (said as Mousha in French), Cannes, Monaco and Saint Tropez. This part of France along the Mediterranean sea is known as French Riviera (in English) or Cote d' Azur (in French). be continues with photos soon.