
May 17, 2016

Ariel Matic or Magic!

Husband and wife
Just like the wheels align
Move forward holding hands
Their home's a loving shrine!

No more fights
My turn or your turn, 
Despite the endless responsibilities
forget the endless churn!

Sharing the love
Rationing the responsibilities
Their journey now serene
Peaceful as the beautiful dove!

Miya-biwi ab kare kamal
Welcoming the new Ariel Matic
Smilingly cleaning the laundry 
Finishing the load like a trick in magic!

It seems it's not only Delhi being helped by the number game, but the odd-even rule could be for couples too. I am taking part in the #LaundryGoesOddEven Challenge by Ariel India at BlogAdda. It was fun trying the product with calendar dates which means pre-set responsibilities. Try it and see for yourself!

May 16, 2016


Image result for memories


They come back
without him,
She, Sighs
Opens her eyes
A tear drop stops at her eyelid
The one big enough
to wet her soul,
Deep enough
to let her words leave
May be, she learnt a lesson
She closes her eyes
and shuts them,
the Memories!


Image Source: Google

May 10, 2016

Just "You"!

The hues radiating
through my feelings,
The metaphors dancing
in my words,
The rays of hope
adorning my syllables,
The love almost unescapable
from my scribbles,
The heart, the soul
contained in my poems...

It's You,
Everywhere, just "You"


Image Source: Google

May 7, 2016

बूढ़ी माँ ....

बूढ़ी माँ अकेली रह गई
परिंदों से उड़ चले बच्चे
तिनका-तिनका बना घोंसला
आज खाली बेजान रह गया,
बूढ़ी माँ बरबस देखती रह गई।

हाथों में लिए उम्र की झुर्रियां
होठों पर बस स्नेहाशीष-शब्द
काया कोमल जर्जर दीन-हीन
बस रह गई उसके साथ आज
बूढ़ी माँ मात्र शरीर रह गई।

यादों में जला कर बीते दिन के दीये
करती प्रकाश अपने जीवन में वो
आज में न जन्म लेती कोई नई याद
छिन-सा जाता हर पल, सुख-सा आज
बूढ़ी माँ नीर बहाती रह गई।

जोड़ कर अपने कपकपाते हाथ
ईश्वर से बस एक ही दुआ माँगती-
बच्चों का उम्र-भर सुख ऐश्वर्य
और अपने लिए एक नया धाम मांगती
बूढ़ी माँ अभी से स्वर्गगामिनी हो गई।


The new generation, I am not talking about the generation next to me or even the one after that, I am pointing out to the generation of kids to any parents. Yes, this new generation, parent's progeny are often impatient and always in a hurry.  The older generation, the parents are weak and old. The one who taught us how to walk, we don't have time to take a walk with them. We are busy, earning our money, too occupied in our struggles, in our progeny and network, and myriads of innumerous tasks that are unending. But what is ending every moment is the remains of the youth or energy within our old parents. They keep getting older by seconds. We, the new generation too. 

Give a thought, what do they ask? Riches, wealth, car, furniture! No, they just ask for a moment of togetherness with us, they want to smile and laugh with us and only demand attention and respect. The new generation can't even give them this? Is it the upbringing they received? Start this Mother's day with a solemn pledge and a staunch thought to care for the mothers (and fathers) you have neglected, spoken to in high volume and thought them as inexperienced with modern ways of life. They need you, today more than ever!

"At least they are happy", Bibhu Sharma's story!

Image and Video Source: HelpAge India, #WhySupportElders

May 4, 2016

Kissed by Hope...

A road lies ahead
Turbulent at times
Often running deep,
Accompanied with obstacles
All shapes and sizes
Almost every bit of the way.

What's different today!
Unswerved by the terrain 
I keep moving,
Even if just an inch
 I do not forget to at least drag,
I embrace the beauty 
Hidden in the chest of efforts
I enjoy the serenity
Taking birth every time I fall,
I gulp the storms
Life throws at me
I do not give up
For today, I am kissed by hope!


Image: From my eyes and iPhone at Avalon, Catalina Island, California.