
Jun 26, 2014

Where do I belong?

Do I belong
In your arms
In the solace of my being?

Hard to answer
Easy at first may seem,
Outside the window
The trees stand naked
I wonder if they knew
The greens gonna betray them?

Life's a jungle
Dense, dark and cold
You don't stand unique
For life to rain dark clouds on
I wonder every now & then
I ask a valid question?

Harsh to predict
How innocuous that may look,
In the lines of her hand
She scratches a name
I wonder if she knew
The henna colors-on or the future bleeds?

Where do I belong?
Immaterial, trivial senseless-
A question it may seem
Itched in the numerous moments
Your name & my being
Aren't they one?

Endless trials to find
The answer
Yet standing empty-handed
With a heart hollow of love
I decide to take matters
In my custody and I leave with a note-
"I quit!"

Image Courtesy: Google Images
This poem was originally published in my article on Women's Web, 'When a Note Ends a Marriage', which can be read here-